quivering through sun-drunken delight

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Incipit Metablogging

I'm trying to learn all the various things which a man must learn to make his web page presentable. I'm not hugely keen on this font so probably it will change as soon as I (a) find a better one; and (b) determine exactly what the list of fonts in the blog template is there for. I suppose I figure out what font is being used here and then that's the one to replace? There's a down-side to this program -- my already chatty posts will start to look downright water-fat. Still, if it improves readability -- on which subject these margins are way too big. Lots of work yet.

I'm also trying to find a nice way to upload pictures. I did get myself a nice camera recently with the intent that I could share pictures. There's a B-grade solution in place at the moment, whereby I use Blogger's sponsored "Hello" utility to simultaneously publish and upload to a storage space, then delete the unwanted post but keep access to the uploaded picture. Obviously this is unsatisfactory. I think the A-grade solution is to find out what kind of webspace I get from my future employer. (For some reason it has become customary to give webspace to students. For, I don't know, their huge curricula vitae or something like that.) In the meantime, we cope.

There's now a picture of yours truly, right, in case you forgot what I look like. It's supposed to brighten up the page. It's one of a couple of portraits I took, a first stab at the Sun-Drunken theme. Apparently huge contrast in brightness is fundamental to this theme. The problem with this pic is that if you look at it the wrong way it looks like I'm in pain -- which I am, since that sun was awfully bright; but if you look at it the right way it's vaguely beatific, and that meshes with the theme. Or maybe both do, and I'm just worried about having a picture of someone in pain sitting around here. In the small size it seems to be less that way.

Anyway, let me know what you think. And post 'hello' in the comments here, even if you have no opinion on the pic, just to sign in, as it were. (Postscript. Somehow the comments got set to registered-user-only. Thought I fixed that. Anyway, it should allow "anonymous" remarks now.)

(Further postscript. The A-grade solution has been implemented, thanks to the IT department at Princeton and the miracle of the VPN.)

(Post-further-postscript. This post is fast getting out of date. The margins got moved, a more slippery operation than you might think. Never mind the bragging, I'm still flush from victory. The new font is Garamond, which I chose more or less because I didn't want one of the n fonts that all look like Arial except for slight variations on spacing between letters. Still, it's pretty readable and the italicised text looks pretty good. It's supposed to have character, but not too much, unlike those n2 silly novelty fonts that look flashy but have actually no conceivable use. We'll see how it goes. I no longer like how the banner up top looks. Maybe I can replace it with a tastefully snazzy .jpg. -- Saints preserve us, it's turned into a webdesignpublishing and neologising machine!)



At 1:16 AM, Blogger Dickolas Wang said...

Hi Balin, I'm glad I'll be able to keep tabs on you and make sure you're not doing anything I wouldn't do.

I'm linking you from mine.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I was, all excited to be the first to leave a comment on the henceforth forever bookmarked blog of BFK, only to discover the evil Dick beating me to it. Oh well. I'll settle for second place. And I am also linking your page from mine.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Dickolas Wang said...

You know, Billy, I never realize it's you when you write your name down as "Daniel".

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I suggest www.flickr.com as a good place to put photos? I don't present use it, but I will do so shortly. Free to start, but if you give them a mere $25US a year they will give you 2gigs of bandwidth (no space maximum) a month to upload your photos. A good chunk of the bloggers I know use it.

On the photo note, I have pictures from the Opera night that I need to give you. They are on my hard drive.

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