quivering through sun-drunken delight

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Redemption: "for that I must descend to the depths"

I think I have made an error.

What kind of fool tells his audience that they should go away and return in two weeks or so because in the meantime things are going to be very, very boring? Zarathustra tells his disciples to leave and denounce him, but he's a mighty philosopher-poet. I'm just a hack job going out with an accidental whimper.

Clearly I need to rectify this blunder. Rectifying blunders is a slippery proposition, mostly because "rectify" is a worse idea than "ameliorate." In chess it is well-known that the most dangerous time, psychologically speaking, is just after you realise you've made the mistake. The impulse is to correct it by lashing out, with brutal violence hatched from desperation and chagrin, but the patient man knows that a minor misstep is not enough to ruin the position and that this is the moment to pull it together, man! and settle in for the long haul, play it stingy, rather than risk everything on a shoddy throw of the dice -- a dice-throw likely to fail, since the blunder has already put the gambler at a disadvantage.

I always say: "I'm a patient man." In as Croat-like an accent as I can muster, "I'mma pay-shyunt mann," I tell them.

Still, I have just the thing -- So: "as close to the gutter as I'm likely to get." Avert the eyes of the little ones, the sun is about to go under.

On a lark I did a Google search on Sun-Drunken's titular quotation. Pause a moment, selah, as I did not, and wonder what might come up. What I found -- if you guessed occultist textbooks and gay erotica, you were bang on. Apparently everyone else had the sense to keep their prose blue or red but not both at once.

The Google search summary left a tantalising dangling simile: "...set his locks on fire; his skin was sun drunken like a..." -- like a what, now? What's the end of that sentence? Ancient Bacchanallian reveller? Avatar of Eros? I have it -- icon of Icarus, apt and alliterative. But no: then it would not be "a" but "an." Instead they had a Mesopotamian theme going on:
"Enkidu!" My soul mate.... The light, now a pleasant, soft crimson, set his locks on fire; his skin was sun drunken like a peach.
Oh. So, anyway, that's "sun-drunken." What about "quivering" and "delight"? Well, naturally someone was saying something with "quivering" voice, dicit Google, and if you want to know what went with "delight," you can look it up yourself. I didn't bother. I couldn't quote it to anyone, anyway, for obvious reasons.

So that's where I am now: somewhere south of zealots and smut-mongers. Huzzah.

Back to high-minded parables next time, lads. That's how we're going to climb this valley.

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At 3:21 AM, Blogger BKF said...

If you didn't think that was funny, by the way, I guess I owe an explanation.

Erotica makes me think of Jeff Grubb's fantasy farce "Lord Toede," in which the eponymous hobgoblin protagonist accidentally discovers his own inner nobility. In it Toede encounters a scholar, Bunniswot, an academic researching proto-ogres. Bunniswot believes that the brutish present-day ogres are descended from an ancient, extinct society of graceful beings. He finds stones marked with proto-ogre writing -- what a find! But what no one else on the expedition knows is that the writing on the plinths is actually proto-ogre erotic poetry. Bad poetry. Hilarity ensues when Bunniswot publishes his translations under Toede's name, subtitling it an allegory on government (focusing on the relationship between the ruler and the ruled).

(Another book getting boxed.)

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Smut mongers.... That's awesome. I thought you were going to get all naughty, I was prepared to be shocked. ;)

Google is a funny place. I remember searching for something very simple, very mundance once (can't remember what, I think it was a search for a ktichen appliance)and getting the most interesting pictures coming back to me.

~blinks~ And I'm hardly little miss innocent and I was shocked and had to tilt my head a few times to figure out what was going on.

Good luck with the packing! :)


At 1:34 PM, Blogger BKF said...

You know, I was shocked, by myself. Making fun of bad, awkwardly-subtexted writing is pretty low, even if that _was_ the point. The problem was compounded because I thought I couldn't dare even to think of bringing the A-game because, you know, A-grade smut is still C-grade to some people.

Then I started thinking about the raucous jokes some of you people have told. (Yes, you, I'm thinking about you. Unless I don't really know you, couldn't pick you out of a line-up, but you know your sins, anyway.) This made me feel a little better, on a couple of levels.

So now all I feel bad about is that I didn't do such a good job of it.

But that Toede book is hilarious. Bunniswot publishes his treatise annotated -- with his commentary explaining "what Toede means." If I'd only been atop the ball, instead of trapped in reptilian horror watching it bounce menacingly toward me.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no it was funny :)I got a giggle out of it.

Yes, you, I'm thinking about you. Unless I don't really know you, couldn't pick you out of a line-up, but you know your sins, anyway.

And this has me snorting and giggling at my desk. Good thing no one ever asks what I'm laughing at...


At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was one of the better Dragonlance "side books". I like the idea of BadGuy as protagonist. Shakes things up a little bit :)

And Cindy, you don't need to be anonymous. You can click "Other" and type in your name ;). A small pain in the ass, but there you have it.

Balin, I guess if we had blogger.com accounts it might guess our names for us? I always like saving an extra 10 seconds or so a day ;)

At 7:57 PM, Blogger BKF said...

Yes, there would be an additional radio button that would log you in with your Blogger ID.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger BKF said...

It's the default option, by the way, so you don't even have to click on it. If you've got a slow arm like me, that's, oh, (let's try it -- where's my stopwatch? -- oh, there. All right, let's try it, not off to the races, just actin' real casual-like) 1.5 seconds or so.

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At 9:01 PM, Blogger BKF said...

Payday Loans is... reading my blog? What could they possibly want with me?

Seriously, in the past hour we've had about 25 hits from other blogs (and it continues), presumably due to the "next" button up top. I wondered how much traffic that button gets but I don't really understand why I'd get it now. Can it be the infernal machinations of the Blogspot randomiser? Who can divine that devil's domain? -- "Not I, Dr. Faustus."

It's nice. I thought the "next" button was a smashing idea. But this spambot stuff, I don't know. Did someone somewhere flick a switch and set it in motion at 8 o'clock Eastern or what? I guess I'll just delete it in future. I do have the Trash Can power. Seems like a B-grade solution, though.

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